Trip was absolutely fantastic
Our trip was absolutely fantastic. The schedule was easy going doing at least one safari a day. We were so pleased to see all the animals we expected to see.

Our grand adventure was the cheetah. We came upon the cheetah and she was sitting on top of another safari van posed to perfection – right out of National Geographic. When she got down she sat in the field and posed for us again. She was so beautiful.
There was an optional boat ride trip on the way from Nairobi to Lake Elmenteita. This boat ride was filled with a multitude of the most marvelous birds and even a couple of hippos. I would advise not to miss it.
The accommodations were exceptional. My favorite was the Serena Lake Elmenteita Luxury Camp. We were right on the lake and each room was like a private bungalow. Food was very good throughout and the service everywhere was outstanding.
As a result of this trip, I would highly recommend Lion World. The only problem with this trip was it was too short - maybe next time I can stay longer.
Asanti for a great trip.
Barbara Schacher
Fairfield, CA