The Whole Package Was Perfect
Hi Cheryl,
The trip was truly amazing! My only complaint is that it was too short! The whole package was perfect. We bumped into a few travelers who had the reverse itinerary (i.e., starting at the Delta and moving their way to Victoria Falls), and I have to say that I much prefer our itinerary, as the excitement kept building, and the experience just got better and better.

We loved the people of Africa, and enjoyed meeting the other travelers. Got to see more than I had anticipated. Truly a memorable trip. It will be hard to top this one. You guys are amazing as well, from the time you helped with booking the trip to doing a post trip follow up - who even does that? :)
My husband and I are already talking about a Uganda trip to see the mountain gorillas, and when we're ready, you'll be hearing from us again. Thanks again for all of your assistance for making this happen for us.
Lulu Yang
Laguna Beach, CA