The Trip Was So Amazing!
Hello Cheryl,
It’s the birthday girl here who had the surprise of her life with this trip.

The trip was so amazing! From Cape Town to Hoedspruit, it was as if we were king and queen. The South African people were so kind and wonderful. Cape Grace was such a beautiful hotel and the waterfront was fantastic.
The highlight for me on this trip was Camp Jabulani. What a wonderful place! I did not want to leave. The staff also didn’t want us to leave because, apparently, we brought uncanny luck with us from Canada because of all the rare animal sightings we encountered. It became the talk of the lodge. Food and service was delicious and amazing at both places.
You were right, it will not be our last visit. I want to thank you for putting all of this together. The package was so organized and easy to follow. Abel told me that you had suggested this travel package to him and we were not disappointed! So, much, much thanks to you.
You may be hearing from us again in the future.
Again, thanks very much!
Anabel A